What Puts Joy In Your Heart?

What makes you happy? Money? Being famous? Filling your closet or garage with things?

I was thinking about this very question this morning and some things that make me happy came to my mind and if you care to know, here they are in no particular order:

Eating Popsicles and ice cream.
Going to a movie.
Hanging out with friends at a new restaurant.
Hanging out with friends at an old restaurant.
Trying something new, which would be categorized as anything I haven’t done already, so nothing in particular here.
Riding my bike.
Listening to anything from Bethel.
A sunny day.
Hearing my mom’s voice.
Not driving around on I-4 in my car.
Discovering a new perfume.
Cooking with fresh herbs and deglazing the pan with really good Sherry. Mainly because I like telling people that I deglazed the pan with Sherry. It just sounds good.
Telling people that I once ate a 100-year old egg and watching the look on their face.
Seeing a child smile.
Taking a really good picture on my iPhone.
The invention of GPS.
Traveling. Anywhere. Any time. Rainy or not. Just traveling.
Hanging out with my family any time, any day, anywhere.
Loving God with all my heart. That’s it. That’s the best joy ever.

Those things put a smile on my face and joy in my heart. It’s not money or even the thought of money. It’s not fame or even the thought of fame. It’s not worldly possessions or the lack of them.

It’s the simple things in life that if we can’t enjoy them, we won’t enjoy anything.
