Feathers, Faith, Hope

So I was in Albuquerque, NM recently and was taking a walk and I started thinking about a sermon that Bill Johnson from Bethel Church in Redding, California had preached on about signs and wonders.  He talked about the Glory Cloud that previously had appeared at Bethel during one of their evening services.  I’ve viewed the video on other blogs and every time I watch it, I get so excited at just the thought that the Lord would do it again. Every time I sat in that area of the church where it happened, I always look up expectantly, hoping, believing. Bill then started talking about angel feathers and how once he was at a restaraunt and while the waitress was taking their order, all of a sudden a feather fell.  The waitress says “Is that a feather?!” Bill goes “yeah.” I’m smiling as I reminisce about his sermon and right then, I see a feather on the ground. A long feather. Not white, but kind of gray in color and big and for some reason that I couldn’t explain then, nor can I explain now as to why, but I looked up, and right up there in the clear blue New Mexico sky, floating down slowly like a falling leaf, was a small, white, fluffy feather. For the scoffer, I can only say that yes there were trees around, though I was not walking under them and there probably was a bird that flew by and the feather was falling coincidentally as a result at the exact time I was walking there and reminiscing about Bill’s talk. Probably one could find a myriad of explanations. But I need none. I was not the least bit surprised at seeing it. Not even a tiny bit. I was amazed. I then forget all about the feather and began to think at that moment how great God is. Truly and wonderfully great. I smile and thank God for reminding me that signs and wonders follow them that believe. And I do. image