Friends Past, Present, and Future

I’ve traveled most of my life. Military dad. Every 3 years or so, sometimes only 6 weeks at a location, we would move, settle in, get comfortable and then move. It’s been my existence all my life. Even into adulthood. I travel on my own now. It’s only been recently that I’ve realized my pattern. About 3 or 4 years into my life after a move, I get itchy feet. Living in Florida for the past 25 years (off and on for the past 3 years) and I have put down roots – somewhat.

…and because of my traveling, I’ve made friends, some of whom I am still friends with today. Sometimes people come in your life that you meet along the way and they’re there for that chapter of your life and some you meet and they stay. Which sometimes boggles my mind because once they get to know me, they find out that I’m not all that, but when they want to remain my friend even after getting to know me, well, that’s it. We’re friends for life.

Some friends you hear from regularly, some only periodically, which is perfectly acceptable to me, as long as I know that they know that I still love them and value them. When they call or shoot an email or text, we pick up right where we left off. No uncomfortable silences on the phone waiting for the other to speak. Knowing that you’ve got their back and they’ve got yours is, to me, a great comfort.

My dear friend Joan is one of those people.  I first met Joan in 1997 when we went to China to teach English. We first met at Azusa Pacific University in LA where we roomed together for 1 week then off to Beijing for the next week for training then off to our city for the next 8 weeks. Joan was an elderly woman who had lovely pink/gray hair who always wore skirts and skipped when she walked.

Joan never had an enemy in all her life. She’s the sweetest, kindest soul. Loves everyone and never has anything bad to say about anyone – and by anyone, I mean anyone.

I recently visited her in the Bay Area a few weeks ago and prior to that, hadn’t seen her since we left China, but like true gold, it keeps its value and even increases over time. We picked up right where we left off. She’s a true friend and one whom will be welcome at my door any time on any occasion, announced or unannounced. Because she would do the same for me. My hat is off, held to my chest and with a little bow, I say “Hello my dear friend.”Image